The General University Hospital received a subsidy

The General Teaching Hospital is currently one of the largest providers of health services for patients not only in Prague and Central Bohemia, but in many cases from the whole of the Czech Republic. Individual workplaces are located in Prague 2, Prague 6, but also in Zbraslav. Traffic service of these sites is very demanding and includes transport of patients. For transport of patients in stabilized state has VFN, thanks to the City Hall. of Prague, sufficient equipment. Intra-hospital transport, as the transportation of sick patients is called, does not fall under the services provided by the emergency services and is not covered by health insurance. Therefore, it is provided by the hospital either on its own or with contract carriers. That is the subsidy of the Prague City Hall. of the City of Prague in the amount of 2 347 400 crowns with great help.
“I am glad that this financial injection could help with such challenging tasks as the safe transport of critically ill patients. I could personally see it myself and know that it will have a positive impact not only for patients but also for staff at the General Teaching Hospital. Such subsidies are in the right place, in the right hands, ”said Ing. Radek Lacko, Councilor for Health and Housing, Prague City Hall.
Specifically, this highly specialized technique will be purchased from the subsidy:
- vital signs monitor with defibrillator and pacemaker (for urgent resuscitation and complete monitoring of vital signs);
- transport fan (for controlled pulmonary ventilation in different operating modes);
- a mechanized resuscitation device (allowing the patient to be transported for ongoing indirect cardiac massages);
- a linear dispenser for accurately dispensing medicines;
- aspirator;
- rescue backpack with wheels.
Mgr. Dana Jurásková, MBA, Director of the General Teaching Hospital in Prague added: “This subsidy will make it easier for highly specialized doctors and health care professionals to save lives every day and increase survival chances. We thank the Municipality for its help because it fits precisely in our facility's efforts to help and heal.