Donate blood plasma after undergoing Covid-19

Have you recovered from Covid-19 and would you like to help other patients? Donate blood plasma!
For several weeks to months after recovery, your plasma contains sufficient amounts of anti-SARS-Cov-2 antibodies to help significantly treat patients in the early stages of the disease. If you want to help others and your health condition allows it, please book an appointment with us to collect Covid-19 convalescent plasma.
Conditions for donating so-called convalescent plasma:
- The cured individual meets the general conditions for the donation of blood and blood components (health status, age, weight, travel and drug restrictions - for details - see. general informationand current information for blood donors).
- The donor never received a blood transfusion, the donor did not receive a blood transfusion and was not pregnant.
- The course of the disease Covid-19 with fever (temperature at least 38.0 ° C) or 3 days with temperature above 37.5 ° C.
- Plasma collection is possible no earlier than 2 weeks and no later than 2 months after the end of isolationdue to Covid-19 disease.
We are registering an increased demand of clinical departments for convalescent plasma in blood group AB.
In case that you meet them all above conditions, please contact us on working days at 11:30 to 15:00 on telephone number 224 963 112 or 224 962 757 and order covid-convalescent plasma.
All information can be found on the website Faculty transfusion department. Thank you for helping those in need!