
European grants


Code: FP6-2004-IST-4-IST-2004-026968
Status: Finished

Project Name: Knowledge-Based HomeCare eServices for Aging Europe

Project start date: 1. 3. 2006
Project end date: 30. 9. 2009
Approved funds for VFN: EUR 90,160
Investigator: Doc. MUDr. Martin Haluzík, DrSc., III. Internal Clinic
Role of VFN in the project: partner

Project brief description:

The project is aimed at improving the quality of life of long-term ill patients, mainly seniors, at home, especially to improve the quality of home care and care services provided. The project should allow better communication among all caregivers of these persons, ie doctors, nurses, patients and their relatives. On the basis of shared information about the patient's health condition and its changes, the continuity of the provided health care and services, the flexibility of treatment measures and thus the decompensation of chronic diseases requiring hospitalization will be enabled. In the long run, the proposed model could lead to cost savings, for example by reducing duplicate examinations or limiting hospitalization.

Project goal: The aim of the project is to create a database and web interface to support electronic health documentation for caregivers. The project is part of the 6th Framework Program of the European Commission to support IT in society.

Project Target Group: These are long-term ill patients, mostly seniors, requiring care and health assistance at home.

Key project activities: Create a database and web interface to support electronic health documentation for caregivers. Testing this database and interface in clinical practice.

Project outputs:

  • Creating a database and web interface to support electronic health documentation for caregivers.
  • Testing this database and interface in clinical practice.

This project is funded by the 6th Framework Program (FP). EU Framework Program is the main instrument supporting the creation of the European Research Area. Compared to previous Framework Programs, FP6 has undergone significant changes, particularly in terms of size, focus and tools developed to implement the program. The main activities of FP6, which should involve a wide range of experts, are focused on the so-called Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence. Emphasis is placed on involving SMEs in projects.

This project is co-financed by the 6th Framework Program.

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