
Information for patients

Information for survivors

Dear Survivors,

losing a loved one is one of the hardest moments in human life. Therefore, let us express our deep regret at the loss of your loved one.

Despite how much grief you are experiencing these days, it is necessary to deal with some of the issues related to death and funeral by law. To ease these difficult days, we would like to offer you some information that will help you to solve a difficult life situation.

Death information

A person close to us (if known to us) or another person listed in the medical documentation of the deceased is always informed of the patient's death. Information regarding the death of the patient and possible autopsy is provided by the physician's physician (outside the normal working hours of the physician on duty) where the death occurred.

The patient's personal belongings

Clothing and personal belongings (including dental prostheses) can be taken over by the survivors at the appropriate hospital department where the deceased was last hospitalized. This estate will be passed on to relatives in the direct (ie, ancestors and descendants), to other family or similar persons (siblings, spouse, registered partner) or to persons who are considered to be close to each other if one of the the other, reasonably considered to be self-inflicted. Acceptance of things is confirmed by the survivor by his / her signature, while at the time of handing over the ID number, telephone contact and relationship with the deceased.


Valuables, passbooks, watches, jewelery, precious metals, securities, bank cards, documents, cash over CZK 1,000, retirement (if sent to hospital deposit account) and keys subject to inheritance (the key to the mailbox can be issued to the nearest relatives - husband, wife, son, daughter, parents, sibling, nephew, niece). The inheritance is reported by the hospital to the district (in Prague district court) of the patient's place of residence and is deposited in the hospital deposit until the decision on the succession is issued. In order to pick up your estate at the VFN central box office, you will need a final decision on the inheritance and identity card. If any participant in the succession needs one of the things that are part of the inheritance after the deceased (eg keys to the apartment, car, etc. for the survivors of the necessary things), it is necessary to apply to the competent court or notary who handles the succession. They can then ask the hospital to issue a case before the end of the succession.

Settlement of estate and inheritance

Inheritance proceedings are opened as soon as the competent court is informed of the death. The court will instruct the notary's inheritance. The survivors of the inheritance are called upon in writing by the notary to settle the succession.

Fees for keeping the body of the deceased

The death procedure is stipulated by Act No. 372/2011 Coll. on Health Services and Act No. 193/2017 Coll. about funeral services. In the event of death in a medical facility, the cost of storing the deceased's body is covered by the medical facility for 48 hours after death or autopsy, if performed. The costs of storing the body after this period and transporting it or storing it after this period with another entity is borne by the person who arranges the funeral. If, after 48 hours of death / autopsy, the medical facility cannot provide further storage of the deceased's body by its own capacities, it will be deposited at the funeral home chosen by the survivors. If VFN employees have no information about which funeral home the body of the deceased is to be transported after the statutory period of 48 hours, in the case of the deceased in our medical facility, the deposit of the remains is provided at the funeral home Pegas CZ sro (free telephone number: 800 176 423 ). Subsequently, this funeral home recharges the cost of saving the body to a funeral home that provides the funeral or directly to the bereaved.

Arranging funeral

Survivors have the right to choose a funeral operator. Hospital staff is by no means authorized to provide information about funeral services, and hospitals are not mediators of funeral arrangements. The department where the patient has died will give the person arranging the funeral a Letter of Search for the deceased (part B2) on the basis of his / her identity card. The person in question turns to the funeral service with this form.

Documents needed to order a funeral:

  • Letter of search of the deceased,
  • deceased person's birth and marriage certificate (if available)
  • passport (for foreigners)
  • ID card or passport customer's passport.

Things to order a funeral: clothing for the deceased (or photos of the deceased if it is to be part of the parte).

Where to hand over the documents of the deceased

  • Identity card - if the funeral service that tells the funeral does not leave it to the death certificate for Prague 2, nám. Míru 20, office 107 (ie the office in whose territory the death occurred) or at the place where the license was issued.
    The registry office has a reporting duty, ie. reports deaths to the Health Insurance Company, the Social Security Administration, the courts of the deceased's permanent residence (inheritance proceedings), and, in the case of foreigners, the Foreign Police and the Embassy.
  • Insurance card - to any branch of the relevant health insurance company,
  • Driving license - to the Transport Inspectorate,
  • Passport - the authority responsible for issuing it (the municipal authority of the municipality with extended powers, in Prague the municipal office), or the registry office or the nearest police department,
  • Military book - to district (district) military administration.

In the case of a foreigner: passport, residence permit card, temporary residence permit in the Czech Republic, permanent residence card, residence card of a family member of a European Union citizen or permanent residence card of a citizen of the European Union - hand over to the nearest police department.

Death certificate

The death certificate is issued by the registry office for Prague 2 (ie at the place of death). The deadline for issuing the death certificate is 30 days from the delivery of the necessary documents for its issuance (birth certificate, marriage certificate - if the deceased person's status was married or a passport or residence permit). the funeral director ordering the funeral bureau where he or she will address the address to which the death certificate is to be sent, or to report the collection to the registry office in person.


A claim for a funeral grant of CZK 5,000 is granted to a person who has set up a funeral for a stillborn or dependent child, or a person who has been a parent of a dependent child (a child up to 26 years of age who does not receive the means of subsistence). The deceased person must have a permanent residence in the Czech Republic as of the date of death. The entitlement to the death grant expires if it was not filed within 1 year of the date of burial, on the prescribed form, see the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs www.mpsv.cz (State Social Support section).

Entitlement to leave

Time off with wage or salary compensation pursuant to Government Order No. 590/2006 Coll. will be provided to:

  • 2 days for the death of a spouse, a child or another day to attend the funeral of these persons
  • 1 day to attend the funeral of the parents and siblings, parents and siblings of the spouse, as well as the spouse's sibling and spouse, and the next day if the employee carries out the funeral of those persons,
  • a necessary period of not more than one day to attend a funeral of a grandparent or grandson or grandparent of a spouse or other person who, while not belonging to those individuals, lived with the employee at the time of death in the household, and the next day if the employee carries out the funeral of these persons.

In the case of a request for an extract from the medical records of the deceased (if the deceased did not during his lifetime prohibit the disclosure of information to specific close persons), you can contact the Legislative and Legal Department of the General Faculty Hospital in Prague - Jitka Tachezy, telephone number: 22496 2012, e-mail: epodatelna@vfn.cz

In case of requests for autopsy reports from the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, contact Mrs. Petra Vlasáková, phone number: 224 968 612, e-mail: petra.vlasakova@vfn.cz

We know that this period will not be easy for you. If you need any information, advice or help, you can contact the Health and Social Department of the General University Hospital in Prague, where our employees are ready to help you - head of department, Mgr. Alena Makarová, telephone number: 224 964 112, e-mail: alena.makarova@vfn.cz.

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