
Information for visitors

Visitation rules

Dear Visitors,

we are very pleased to visit your relatives, relatives and acquaintances who are hospitalized in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague. Thank you for your visit to contribute to their mental and social well-being, which is essential for successful treatment.

You can visit hospitalized patients on the premises of the General University Hospital in Prague virtually anytime. Each workplace of the General Teaching Hospital has a different regime and it determines the management of the given workplace by recommended visiting hours. Therefore, please refer to the recommendations at each department.

At the same time, please be careful with other patients and behave as quietly as possible during the visit, especially at midday rest.

Thank you for your understanding and for keeping these rules and helping us in our efforts to improve the health of your relatives, relatives and acquaintances.

The Ten Commanders of the VFN Visitor

  1. The visitor should behave quietly so as not to disturb other hospitalized patients.
  2. The visitor should respect the recommendations and instructions of medical personnel, follow their instructions, eg when using shoe covers.
  3. The visitor should respect the visiting hours that are recommended and differentiated in each department.
  4. The visitor should adjust the duration and duration of the visit to the patient's state of health.
  5. The visitor should monitor whether the patient is too tired. If so, tactically shorten the visit.
  6. The visitor should postpone his visit if he is ill and could infect the patient.
  7. The visitor should listen to the patient's concerns, try to reassure him, comfort him, raise his self-esteem and motivate him to adhere to the treatment regime and thus contribute to faster release to home treatment.
  8. If a visitor wants to bring a gift to the patient, he should remember the adequacy and environment in which the patient is located. We recommend that you consult with the nursing staff whether the cut flowers are appropriate, that the food does not interfere with the diet… etc.
  9. Cooperation between the visitor (family member), nursing staff and the patient is ideal for the patient. Especially if it is a question of home treatment, which will require a change of lifestyle, modification of the diet, use of medicines, etc.
  10. The visitor should respect the smoking ban on the premises of the General Teaching Hospital in Prague.
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