12. 5. 2020

We celebrate the International Day of Nurses

Since 1965, May 12 has been the International Day of Nurses. We would like to use the anniversary to thank them for their work.

Without the daily dedicated work and empathy of all nurses and patients towards patients, operation at the individual clinics and outpatient clinics of our hospital would not be conceivable. The role of nurses is irreplaceable. The "Lady with the Lantern" - Florence Nightingale, an English nurse, was already aware of this when she was caring for sick and wounded English soldiers in the 19th century and in 1860 she founded the first medical school for women in England. She created the basics of the nursing model and the principles of patient care, which are still valid today. May 12, the day of her birth, therefore became the feast of all her followers.

International Nursing Day is a thank you for your work and an expression of respect for your profession. Although the requirements for education and work procedures have changed over the years, you now have other technical equipment and options at your disposal, but the essence remains: everyday very responsible and demanding work in health care and saving human life. All healthcare professionals have once again demonstrated their irreplaceable role in the difficult times of the coronavirus pandemic.


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