VFN activated the trauma plan

Preparation of operating theaters and space for sorting patients, the so-called triage, gathering a sufficient number of doctors and nurses, ensuring sufficient medical supplies and blood or communication with other components of the Integrated Rescue System (IZS). These are some of the activities that accompany the launch of the trauma plan. VFN inadvertently activated it on the afternoon of Tuesday, January 24. The exercise called "Construction" took place at 2 p.m. and was attended by the First Surgical Clinic of the VFN, the Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Medicine Clinic of the VFN, the Dental Clinic of the VFN - maxillofacial surgery, the Medical Rescue Service of the Capital City of Prague and the Samaritans Association of the Czech Republic (ASČR) . A part of the building collapsed on the construction site in the inner yard of the VFN Faculty Polyclinic on Karlov náměstí, and the falling debris hit workers and people moving in the yard. The organizers simulated a total of 17 injured people. Rehearsing the activation of the trauma plan tests the hospital's readiness for an emergency with a large number of injured people, at least six people. These are mostly the consequences of traffic or other accidents. Activating the trauma plan means the immediate initiation of all activities necessary to ensure emergency care when receiving a large number of patients. "We realistically sort the extras according to the severity of their injuries, perform a complete examination and possibly add some imaging method. Based on the results, we then direct the patient to the relevant department, ICU or directly to the operating theater. We always keep all medical documentation for all patients and treat them in exactly the same way as real patients. We only omit invasive methods,” said the head doctor of the traumatology department of the 1st surgical clinic of the VFN and the 1st LF doc. MD Filip Burget, Ph.D. with the fact that the aim of the regular exercises is mainly to check the management and organization of the intervention, the system of convening and mutual communication, the practical use of material and technical equipment and checking the reality of the procedure in practice. Training with extras is one of the most realistic, but also the most expensive exercises. In 2022, the Department of Security and Crisis Preparedness of the VFN managed to obtain the highest financial resources in history from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, which also included a contribution to the implementation of exercises as part of the crisis preparedness financing program. The training of the trauma plan is practiced by medical staff at the VFN at least twice a year.