Don't be afraid to donate blood! Hospitals and patients still need it!

The operation of individual departments and specialized outpatient clinics is gradually returning to the usual regime throughout the hospital, including planned operations and other interventions. The need for transfusion products thus becomes an integral part of the routine requirements of clinics. It is therefore necessary for the transfusion department to ensure sufficient stocks of transfusion products of all blood groups.

There is currently nothing to prevent blood donation, the transfusion department has set up several measures to ensure sufficient safety for both blood donors and staff, and we therefore accept donors on a regular basis.

The transfusion department thanks all the donors who are willing to donate blood and at the same time calls on those who are just planning to donate: do not be afraid, cover your nose and mouth and come help!

We look forward to you!

Conditions for blood donation can be found HERE.

Current operational information is available HERE.

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