European grants

Quality in VFN

Code: CZ.04.3.07 / / 4043
Status: Finished

Quality in VFN

Registration number: CZ.04.3.07 / / 4043
Amount of public support: CZK 6,647,179
Project start and end date: 01. 09. 2006 – 31. 08. 2008
Dimension Code: NDP-003-124-97
Center: 124-97

Project brief:

The project is directly focused on increasing the competitiveness of the General University Hospital through the introduction of quality system and employee training.

The basic reason for this step is the decision of the VFN top management to create a quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2000. Among other things, this system aims to create a tool for continuous improvement of service quality and continuous improvement. Implementing the quality system puts great demands on the qualified and conscious potential of human resources. To support this goal, we want to establish a comprehensive system of internal training for all non-medical staff. At the same time, through its activities, the project will contribute to solving the issue of adaptability of workers' and lower technical categories of employees to new economic conditions.

Through training, targeted motivation, and an effective education system, we will create the conditions for employees to be actively involved in change processes in the organization in order to increase their qualifications and train them to increase their ability to actively participate in the implementation of the VFN Quality System. In terms of employees, we want to achieve an understanding of quality policy primarily in terms of the quality of life of the entire organization.

The creation and implementation of a system of internal vocational and general education will be one of the tools of the process of continuous improvement of service quality. Employees enrolled in the internal education system will be guided by modern training and training methods to the positive adoption of the new economic environment, to the active introduction of innovative technologies, to acquire new methods of work and management, to learn the effects of positive motivation methods. They will learn to use modern communication and information technologies within the needs of their profession and job position.

The project is managed by the VFN implementation team. Team members' professional line-up ensures that their working positions in the cooperating departments ensure continuous effective control and supervision of the implementation of all project activities, including targeted fulfillment of key activities.

Stages are continuously evaluated by the project team and modified as necessary. In the final activities, research into the benefit for the target group, research on the satisfaction of the target group and evaluation of the contribution of the project to improving the quality of services will be carried out.

The project was included in the "De minimis" support scheme, which obliges us to support other entities during the project implementation.

“This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic”.

Project Schedule:

Phase Name Number of persons Realization
Stage I Basic training 221 01. 10. 2006 – 28. 02. 2007
II. phase Training of internal trainers - trainers 25 30. 03. 2007 – 16. 06. 2007
  Quality Management - Auditor 26 07. 09. 2007 – 08. 12. 2007
III. phase Educational Academy    
  Communication 307 25. 09. 2007 – 06. 12. 2007
  Management skills 288 18. 02. 2008 – 26. 06. 2008
  Professional courses 93 01. 03. 2008 – 30. 06. 2008

A) Basic training
The first stage of the project was attended by 221 employees (from various departments, departments and departments of the General Teaching Hospital - paramedics and non-medical staff), who underwent basic training. The thematic focus of the interactive seminars was: quality and corporate strategy, basics of communication, teamwork, leadership.
A classroom in the GARDEN project was established and reconstructed for teaching. The outcomes of the seminars were used for the methodological preparation of the EDUCATION ACADEMY program.

B1) Training trainers-trainers
Ve II. a stage of 25 internal trainers from the VFN staff was trained and certified.

B2) Quality management - training of internal auditors
Ve II. the stage was trained and certified by a team of 26 quality managers - auditors for VFN needs from various sections

C) Training at all workplaces - Educational Academy
Training and development courses (3 modules):

  • Communication - 11 types of courses, implementation from 25 September to 6 December 2007
  • Management skills - 13 types of courses, implementation from 18 February to 26 June 2008
  • Expertise - selected specific topics such as metrology, law, information technology, etc. The terms are listed according to the needs and requirements of individual sections.

Courses at individual departments - learning on real cases, linking theory with practice, training skills on familiar situations.
Information and discussion management forums - issues in the areas of law, economy, quality, informatics, current information on events in the VFN. Programs of this type provide workers with information on specific areas of VFN activity.

Project progress report:

As part of the pilot project, the quality, which began on 1 September 2006 and will end on 31 August 2008, all III. stages: Stage I - basic training II. phase - preparation of internal trainers and auditors; III. phase - Educational Academy. Each stage was continuously monitored and evaluated. The objectives set have been met in the individual stages.

For the Educational Academy program (internal education system according to the needs of individual departments of the General Teaching Hospital), we received the MEYS accreditation.

The project is regularly monitored and subsequently evaluated by the support provider. All submitted monitoring reports were approved.

The project meets the objectives set, follows the planned schedule and exceeds the planned number of supported persons.

Currently, a project proposal for support from EU funds in Priority Axis 1 of the Operational Program Prague - Adaptability is being elaborated.

Open courses Communication and management education with the opportunity to get a certificate, inspired employees to attend courses and interest in completing the program, including the certificate.

System workplace training: courses were organized for various VFN workplaces and programs were prepared according to the time possibilities of workplaces. The courses were led by our internal trained lecturers.

They continued Management Discussion Forums - meeting of senior managers of the General Teaching Hospital with employees interested in up-to-date information on VFN strategy, economy, personnel matters, law, IT.

It was created and stabilized by the project management team, and a team of internal trainers was created to implement the key activities planned. All courses were evaluated by the course participants in terms of evaluation questionnaires in terms of the quality of lectures, study materials and benefits for their own work.

Final Conference:

Invitation card
Date of Event: August 28, 2008
Time: 13.00 - 16.00 hrs.
Place: Charvát Hall III. Internal Clinic of General Teaching Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine
(The Charvát Hall is located in the upper part of the former St. Francis Chapel
Xaverský, U nemocnice 1, Prague 2, entrance III. internal clinic, 1st floor)   
1. Presentation of the project Ing. Jan Friday
2. Presentation of project outputs and results Prof. PhDr. Libuše Hájková
Stage I - Basic Training Prof. PhDr. Libuše Hájková
II. Stage - Courses at VŠE Jana Šimková Bc. Petra Pekarova, Ing. Pavla Hrubá
III. stage - Academy  
Retraining course - Healthcare Management Prof. PhDr. Libuše Hájková
IT Workplace Courses Ing. Jiří Haase, MBA
Courses in OVAK Iva Schafferova, Ing. Josef Zimák
Courses in the workplace of the DP, TÚ Ing. Ernest Ištvánfy, Josef Rajdl
De minimis support rates Mgr. Hana Lagová
Quality courses Ing. Eva Pincová
Road transport courses Antonín Hamáček
3. Project administration and monitoring Ing. Naďa Holmanová
4. Evaluation of project benefits for VFN MUDr. Jan Briza, CSc., MBA
5. Guest Appearances Ing. Svetlana Navarova, MLSA
6. Continuation of the project Mgr. Eva Hotmarová
7. Conclusion Ing. Jan Friday

We look forward to meeting you.

Ing. Jan Friday
Project Manager

Ing. Eva Škorňová, phone: +420 22496 2034

Applications should be submitted by August 25, 2008 to the

Project Information: (Information on General Teaching Hospital - Grants in General Teaching Hospital - Quality in General Teaching Hospital)


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