European grants
Renewal and modernization of the VFN radiotherapy workplace with a focus on improving the quality and innovation of therapy for malignancies treated within the KOC and benefiting from motion management

Project name: Renewal and modernization of the VFN radiotherapy workplace with a focus on improving the quality and innovation of therapy for malignancies treated within the KOC and benefiting from motion management
Project start date: 1. 2. 2024
Project completion date: 31. 03. 2026
Project Budget: 165,373,725 CZK including VAT
Project implementer: VFN Oncology Clinic in Prague
Project Registration Number: CZ.31.8.0/0.0/0.0/23_072/0008238
Project brief:
The implementation of the project will result in the innovation of the medical technology of the radiotherapy workplace of the VFN Oncology Clinic, which cooperates with a number of top workplaces in and outside the VFN in the treatment of cancer diseases. Upgrading the irradiator towards a unique combination of the function of controlling respiratory movements during radiotherapy and precise image guidance will enable the reduction of irradiated volumes and increase the efficiency of therapy. A modern collimation system and a higher dose rate will contribute to an increase in the number of irradiated patients.
We will achieve the main goal of the project by restoring the tomotherapeutic irradiator, thanks to which we will offer patients treatment corresponding to the current world standard, improve the continuity of comprehensive oncological care in VFN, expand the spectrum of feasible procedures and increase the effectiveness of radiotherapy. The introduction of breath-controlled radiotherapy in combination with precise image guidance in a selected group of patients will lead to a reduction in the toxicity of the applied treatment (breast cancer, including left-sided cancer and tumors of the chest and abdomen in general) with the possibility of escalation of the therapeutic dose, from which mainly patients with pancreatic cancer and stereotactic radiotherapy. Breath-controlled radiotherapy will also make it possible to expand the spectrum of feasible procedures.
Another goal, also associated with image guidance and the modernization of the collimation system, is to achieve a higher degree of conformity of all radiation plans and thereby reduce the toxicity of the treatment, also considering the risk of induction of secondary malignancies in prospective patients. At a time of increasing prevalence of oncological diseases and the overall increasing number of oncological patients, one of the other important goals is to improve the time efficiency of radiotherapy and thereby increase the number of irradiated patients (per unit of time).
Maintaining and improving radiotherapy at an established oncology site with long-standing expertise with this technology will help preserve the continuity of multimodal therapy, from which our patients will undoubtedly also benefit
The total project budget is CZK 165,373,725, of which CZK 133,939,250 will be financed through the National Recovery Plan and CZK 31,434,475 from the VFN Prague's own resources.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the funds of the Recovery and Resilience Tool (RRF) through the National Recovery Plan of the Czech Republic from call no. 8 (component 6.2 National plan to strengthen oncology prevention and care, measure 6.2.4 Development of highly specialized hemato-oncology and oncology care.
Press Releases:
The project "Renovation and modernization of the VFN radiotherapy workplace with a focus on improving the quality and innovation of therapy for malignancies treated within the KOC and benefiting from motion management", registration number CZ.31.8.0/0.0/0.0/23_072/0008238, is co-financed by the European Union NextGeneration EU