European grants

Pilot operation of the palliative care consulting team of the VFN Support and Palliative Care Center

Code: CZ.03.2.63 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 15_039 / 0007277
Status: Finished

Project title: Pilot operation of the palliative care consulting team of the Supporting and Palliative Care Center of the General University Hospital in Prague

Start date of pilot operation: 1. 5. 2019
Date of start of physical implementation of pilot operation: 1. 6. 2019
Implementation End Date: 28. 2. 2021
Budget: 4 936 336,00 CZK
Pilot Implementer: Center for Supporting and Palliative Care at the Clinic of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care

Project brief:

The General Teaching Hospital in Prague received funding for the pilot operation of the palliative care consulting team under the Palliative Care Support Program.

The Support Program is part of the project "Support for palliative care - increasing the availability of health services in the field of palliative care in hospitals of acute and aftercare" (reg. No .: CZ.03.2.63 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 15_039 / 0007277) implemented by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic in under the Employment Operational Program financed by the European Social Fund.

The Palliative Care Promotion Program aims to create an environment for increasing the availability of palliative care and at the same time the deployment and pilot operation of palliative care consulting teams in acute, follow-up and long-term care hospitals. KTPP is one of the types of specialized palliative care provided in a healthcare facility. Targeted training of professionals is also part of the deployment and pilot operations. At the same time, the pilot operation is used to map the activities and financial demands of KTPP, to verify them in practice, to verify the Methodology of Palliative Care Implementation in Hospitals and to verify basic Standards of Hospital Palliative Care.

All pilot operations at the VFN are provided by a multidisciplinary team consisting of three doctors, two psychologists, two nurses and a social worker. The team is also complemented by a data collector and project manager.


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