European grants
Operation of a children's group in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague

Project title: Operation of a children's group in a general university hospital in Prague
Project start date: 1. 3. 2018
Project completion date: 29. 2. 2020
Project Budget: 4 248 516.00 CZK
Registration number: CZ.03.1.51 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 17_074 / 0008643
Project implementer: General University Hospital in Prague
Project Partner: Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
Project brief:
The General Teaching Hospital in Prague received within the Call No. 74 Operational Program Employment funds for the implementation of the project "Operation of a children's group in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague". One of the conditions for allocating funds was obtaining authorization to provide childcare services in a child group by registering in the register of providers of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Within the project, a childcare facility will be operated - a children's group in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague, which will serve families where at least one person is linked to the labor market.
By ensuring childcare services at the place where the parents are employed, the VFN will enable them to reconcile their private and professional lives to the maximum. Thanks to the project, the conditions for the employment of children carers will be improved and will make it easier for long-term carers of a dependent family member to remain in the labor market.