European grants

Project title: "GARDEN" sheltered workshops and integration center
Registration number: CZ.04.3.07 / / 2205
Aid amount: 9 304 700 CZK
Project start and end date: 1. 1. 2006 – 31. 8. 2008
About the project
The project is focused on work and social rehabilitation, improving the quality of life of the mentally ill, with the intention to create a space for relaxation, work and sports activities in the Kateřina Vineyard Garden, where the clients of the Psychiatric Clinic will meet with each other, family members and other visitors to the garden.
The sheltered workshop will be a part of clients' working rehabilitation within the framework of regime treatment and in some outpatient care also a certain type of longer-term employment. The activities of the Integration Center will be focused on social rehabilitation and leisure activities, support of social contacts, social counseling, consultations with a psychiatrist, psychologist.
Target group will be clients of the VFN Psychiatric Clinic with a serious mental illness who are disadvantaged on the labor market due to disability, or completely excluded from the labor market, who are currently unable to apply themselves on the ordinary labor market, are disabled or long-term unemployed, socially isolated. The catchment area is Prague 1, 2, 3 and 10. The group consists of about 3,000 outpatient and 1,500 institutional patients at the Psychiatric Clinic. They are people at risk of addiction, people leaving institutional care, disadvantaged in the labor market due to disability and mental illness, social situation, loss and absence of work habits, long-term unemployed and long-term ill.
Key activities The project consists of direct services facilitating the integration of the target group into society, in particular by creating a protected workplace and an integration center of systematic and targeted counseling. Contact work, the introduction of a program for acquiring the necessary social skills of the target group and the mediation of other social services is a prerequisite for the possibility of integrating this target group into the labor market. We also want to help eliminate some of the prejudices of the majority society, which are rooted in the mentally ill.
The Integration Center will enable those interested to spend their free time actively while training the social skills needed in everyday life. It will be a place for human meetings, to establish new friendly contacts, to create a space for the functioning of patient clubs, and will be a social background for lonely clients.
Project implementation is divided into 4 stages, which will be continuously evaluated by the project team. We will keep you informed of its results. The project will be managed by the VFN implementation team.
The main physical output will be:
- Created and implemented, effective working rehabilitation system in a sheltered workshop.
- Social rehabilitation and professional counseling to help return to work and integrate the target group into society.
Presentation of activities
The Protected Workshop and Integration Center were established and existed within the Garden project, which focuses on working and social rehabilitation and improving the quality of life of the mentally ill. Kateřinská zahrada serves as a space for relaxation, work and sports activities of the clients of the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine, who can come together in their natural environment with each other, with family members and other visitors to the garden.
The “Garden” project, implemented in 2006-2007, is co-financed by the European Social Fund of the EU, the state budget of the Czech Republic and the budget of the City of Prague and is managed by the implementation team of the General University Hospital in Prague.
The following photo documentation will show you some of the activities that patients of the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine can attend in the premises of the Protected Workshops and the VFN Integration Center in Prague.
Following photo documentation You will get a closer look at how the premises in the Katerinska Garden adjacent to the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University looked like the “Garden” of the sheltered workshop and the VFN Integration Center in Prague and how they look today.
Open Day - June 21, 2007
Next in line Open Days was organized within the “Garden” project in the Protected Workshop and Integration Center in Katerina Garden. An Open Day was held Thursday, 21 June 2007, from 14:00 to 18:00
Open Day Program: | |
14:00 - 18:00 | project presentation "Garden" - Protected Workshops and Integration Center in Pragueworkshop, workshop tour |
15:30 hrs. | classical music concert in the church of Sv. Kateřiny |
17:00 hrs. | volleyball exhibition match |
Continuously during DOD | pétanque, chalk painting, decorating pots with napkin technique, folding origami, cooking and serving “Katerina's Garden Soup” |
Open Day - June 22, 2006
Open Day was prepared by the project implementation team The “Garden” of the sheltered workshop and the VFN's integration center in Prague for a day June 22, 2006 from 12:00 to 18:00 at Katerinska Garden at the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine.
The Open Day was organized to mark the presentation of the project "Gardens" protected workshops and integration center VFN in Prague, which is focused on work and social rehabilitation, improving the quality of life of the mentally ill, with the intention to create a space for relaxation, work and sports activities in Katerinská zahrada, VFN premises, where the clients of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine meet for themselves with each other, with family members and other visitors to the garden.
The sheltered workshop is a part of clients' working rehabilitation within the framework of regime treatment and in some outpatient care also a certain type of longer-term employment.
Integration Center it allows those interested to spend their free time actively and at the same time training social skills needed in everyday life.
For all those interested in more detailed information on the preparation and implementation of the project, all the achievements, overcoming difficulties and possible pitfalls during the project implementation, it was Open Day complete project implementation team The “Garden” of the sheltered workshop and the VFN's integration center in Prague. Except for a tour of the sheltered workshops and integration center, members of the implementation team answered various questions from visitors Open Day.
She was ready for the Open Day visitors project presentation, which included, besides the basic information about the project, when the project started, to whom the project is intended, from what sources the project is financed, who is a member of the implementation team ... etc., also information about weekly programs for patients and photo documentation "How we started" mapping the progress of furnishing sheltered workshops and the integration center.
Various leaflets with information about the project were also prepared for those interested, including a call for potential sponsors to help finance the project after the financial support.
Representatives of the City of Prague, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the City of Prague 2, representatives of cooperating companies and VFN suppliers, journalists and employees of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine were invited to the Open Day.
The afternoon program will be opened by the director of the General University Hospital in Prague, MUDr. Jan Briza, CSc., MBA.
He also supported the project Brass Quintet of the Castle Guard Musicwho has accepted the invitation to Open Day and at the occasion of the presentation of the project, he played at the Katerina Garden.
The DOD program was as follows:
12:00 – 15:00 | tour of sheltered workshops |
14:00 – 14:10 | Brass Quintet of Music of the Castle Guard of the Czech Republic |
14:10 – 14:30 | official launch |
14:30 – 15:00 | Brass Quintet of Music of the Castle Guard of the Czech Republic |
15:00 – 16:00 | project presentation, workshop |
Visitors served as feedback to the implementation team Open Door Day who evaluated positively not only the nature of the project, to whom the project is intended, what it aims for, but above all the relentless work of all the members of the implementation team, without which the building for sheltered workshops could not be occupied and used and that the building was reconstructed , has been equipped (and is still equipped) with the necessary furniture, and other equipment, computers, tools, tools, etc., and last but not least, the team members have successfully overcome various administrative difficulties.
Visitors were also very interested in the various activities offered to the project participants (patients of the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine), what activities they can take part in working therapy, what cultural programs are prepared for them…
The positive acceptance of the project implementation is a motivation for the whole team and a great commitment for further work on the project and a challenge to overcome the obstacles that they regularly encounter with their clients.
Another Open Day was organized by the project team of the “Garden” project of the protected workshop and the VFN integration center in Prague on 14 December 2006 from 14:00 to 17:00 in the premises of sheltered workshops and integration center in Kateřinská garden at the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine.
Open Day Program:
The DOD program was as follows:
14:00 – 14:30 | arrival of guests |
14:30 – 15:30 | workshop - presentation of project results |
15:30 – 16:30 | a tour of the premises of the Protected Workshops and the Integration Center |
16:30 – 17:00 | presentation of activities of clients of Protected Workshops and Integration Center |
During the whole Open Day, members of the realization team were continuously presented not only with the whole project "Garden" of the sheltered workshop and integration center of the VFN in Prague, but above all the results of the project. The project is focused on work and social rehabilitation, it is about improving the quality of life of the mentally ill. The aim of the project is to create a space for relaxation and work and sports activities in Kateřinská Garden (VFN premises), where clients of the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine can meet with each other, with family members and other visitors to the garden.
All Visitors Day Visitors received information on the preparation, implementation and results of the project. Members of the implementation team continuously answered various questions about the start of the project, the progress of the implementation, the achievements and the difficulties and problems encountered during the project implementation.
A Powerpoint presentation of the project was prepared for visitors to the Open Door Day, which included, besides the basic information about the project, when the project started, to whom the project is intended, from what sources the project is financed, who is a member of the implementation team ... etc., also information about weekly programs for patients and photo documentation "How we started" mapping the progress of furnishing sheltered workshops and the integration center.
Throughout the Open Door Day, visitors were able to see the results of the building in addition to the presentation of the results.
- sheltered workshops - where clients are allowed to work rehabilitation as part of treatment regimen. In the case of outpatient care, they can use the possibility of a certain type of long-term employment in sheltered workshops.
- integration center - which is a welcome and popular diversification for clients, enabling active leisure time and social skills training in everyday life.
Representatives of the City of Prague, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the City of Prague 2, journalists and employees of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine were invited to the Open Day.
Thanks to interviews with visitors to the Open Day, members of the project implementation team received feedback, responses to the project, its goals, etc. Just as during the last Open Door Day, this year's positive feedback was mainly about the nature of the project, its objectives, the target group of the project, what the team members are trying to achieve… etc. Those who took part in the first Open House Day evaluated positively the shift in furnishing the rooms with furniture and other necessary equipment, how the interior and exterior finishes were finished; what is the decor of the room created by the clients of the Integration Center.
On the occasion of the Open Day, clients of the Integration Center prepared for each visitor small gift - Christmas gel candle, which was available for a voluntary contribution. At Christmas time, the clients of the center also took care of the beautiful Christmas decorations. In this context, visitors were interested in the individual activities offered to the project participants (patients of the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine), what activities they can take part in working therapy, or the integration center, what cultural programs are prepared for them… etc . - programs of activities were available to them both in the Integration Center and in sheltered workshops - work therapy.
Thanks to the next Open Day, members of the realization team gained further motivation for successfully managing the next stage, for obtaining information and establishing contacts with other similar organizations - sheltered workshops, civic associations of similar focus.
Conference invitation and workshop
Dear colleagues,
We cordially invite you to the conference and workshop we are organizing to present the project results "Garden - Protected Workshops and Integration Center".
1. Presentation of the results of the "GARDEN" project - Mgr. Stanislava Bačkovská
2. Evaluation of customer satisfaction questionnaires - Prof. PhDr. Pavel Harsa
3. Workshop
Date: March 1, 2007
Time: 13.00 - 17.00 hrs.
Venue: Training center TOČNÁ - Nad Šancemi 1/184, Prague 4 (the center is accessible by car for good access road or you can use public transport - line no. 173 / connection from Poliklinika Modřany)
Contact: Bc. Petra Pekařová
PR Advisor
General University Hospital in Prague
tel .: +420 224 963 335, mobile: +420 602 113 645
We look forward to meeting you. Invitation to download or print here.
Please confirm your participation in the above e-mail address or phone.
Mgr. Eva Hotmarová
project manager "Garden"
This project was supported by the European Social Fund, the state budget of the Czech Republic and the City of Prague budget. m. Prahy.