
Residential places 2022

Residency places RM 2022 - Selection procedure - DOCTORS

In accordance with Decree No. 186/2009 Coll., which regulates the procedure for announcing a selection procedure for a residential position, the course of a selection procedure for a residential position and the basic criteria for selecting a resident, and also with Act No. 95/2004 Coll. on the conditions for obtaining and recognizing professional competence and specialized competence to exercise the medical profession of doctor, dentist and pharmacist, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Act No. 95/2004 Coll.") issued on 7/8/2022 Director General University Hospital in Prague prof. MD David Feltl, Ph.D., MBA selection process for filling residency positions within the subsidy Program No. 2 – Residence places RM 2022.

Conditions for the placement of the applicant in the selection procedure

An applicant is included in the selection procedure on the basis of the submitted application, if he meets the conditions stated in the announcement of the selection procedure and the conditions of Decree No. 186/2009 Coll. Section 4.

Instructions for filing an application for a selection procedure for a residential site in the VFN Prague

The completed application, including appendices, see the decree No. 186/2009 Coll. § 4, send it within the deadline set for submitting the application to the address and contact person indicated for the given field.


Pediatrics - additional VŘ
Number of residential places 1
Tender date November 21, 2022 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.                                          
Place of the tender Department of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
Ke Karlovu 2, Prague 2,
4th floor, clinic secretariat
Application deadline 18. 11. 2022
Applications should be sent to to an e-mail address:
Evaluation criteria
  • Graduate of medical school
  • Included in the field of pediatrics
  • Good communication skills
  • Civil integrity
  • English language at communication level
  • Sending all required documents according to Decree No. 186 / 2009 Coll. Section 4
Pneumology and phthisiology – 2nd round
Number of residential places 1
Tender date 31/10/2022 at 1:00 p.m.
Place of the tender I. Clinic of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases VFN and 1. LF UK,
U Nemocnice 499/2, Prague 2
pavilion A6 – 1st floor, meeting room
Application deadline 27. 10. 2022
Applications should be sent to to an e-mail address:
Evaluation criteria
  • Graduate of medical school
  • Classified in the field or application submitted to MZ
  • Good communication skills
  • Civil integrity
  • Active knowledge of the English language
  • Interest in publishing and scientific research
  • Sending all required documents according to Decree No. 186 / 2009 Coll. Section 4
Number of residential places 4
Tender date   9/8/2022 from 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.                                          
8/16/2022 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Place of the tender Department of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
Ke Karlovu 2, Prague 2,
4th floor, clinic secretariat
Application deadline 30. 7. 2022
Applications should be sent to to an e-mail address:
Evaluation criteria
  • Graduate of medical school
  • Included in the field of pediatrics
  • Good communication skills
  • Civil integrity
  • English language at communication level
  • Sending all required documents according to Decree No. 186 / 2009 Coll. Section 4
Pneumology and Phthysiology
Number of residential places 1
Tender date 9/9/2022 at 1:00 p.m.
Place of the tender I. Clinic of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases VFN and 1. LF UK,
U Nemocnice 499/2, Prague 2
pavilion A6 – 1st floor, meeting room
Application deadline 31. 8. 2022
Applications should be sent to to an e-mail address:
Evaluation criteria
  • Graduate of medical school
  • Classified in the field or application submitted to MZ
  • Good communication skills
  • Civil integrity
  • Active knowledge of the English language
  • Interest in publishing and scientific research
  • Sending all required documents according to Decree No. 186 / 2009 Coll. Section 4

Residences RM 2022 - Tender - NON-DOCTORS

In accordance with Decree No. 186/2009 Coll., On residential places, it lists on 16. 5. 2022 Director General University Hospital in Prague prof. MUDr. David Feltl, Ph.D., MBA selection procedure for filling residencies within the grant program of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic RM residency positions – non-physicians in the fields listed below.

Conditions for the placement of the applicant in the selection procedure

An applicant is included in the selection procedure on the basis of the submitted application, if he meets the conditions specified in the announcement of the selection procedure and the conditions of Decree No. 186/2009 Coll. § 4.

Instructions for filing an application for a selection procedure for a residential site in the VFN Prague

The completed application, including appendices, see the decree No. 186/2009 Coll. § 4, send within the deadline set for the submission of the application to the address and contact person specified for the given field. 


Intensive care in pediatrics and neonatology - 2nd round
Number of residential places 2
Tender date 9. 8. 2022 at 14:00
Place of the tender Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
Apolinářská 18, Prague 2,
Neonatology seminar room
Application deadline 8. 8. 2022
Applications should be sent to Bc. Michaela Kolářová - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
Department of Neonatology,
Apolinářská 18, 128 08 Prague 2
or email address:
Evaluation criteria
  • Secondary school education - general child nurse,
  • inclusion in the field of Intensive Care in Pediatrics (or submitted application to NCONZO, MZČR),
  • interest in the field,
  • active approach to work, responsibility, moral and civic integrity and a friendly approach to patients.
Intensive care - 2nd round
Number of residential places 5
Tender date 15. 8. 2022 at 13:00
Place of the tender Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
U Nemocnice 499/2, Prague 2
Seminar room, building A6 / S1
Application deadline 10. 8. 2022
Applications should be sent to PhDr. Ondřej Ulrych - Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
or email address:
Evaluation criteria
  • Classification in the field of "Intensive care" or submitted application for NCONZO,
  • practice in anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive medicine for at least 1 year
  • the ability to practice a medical profession without professional supervision
  • sending all documents according to Decree No. 186/2009 Coll.
  • civic integrity.
Intensive care in pediatrics and neonatology
Number of residential places 2
Tender date June 23, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
Place of the tender Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
Apolinářská 18, Prague 2,
Neonatology seminar room
Application deadline 22. 6. 2022
Applications should be sent to Bc. Michaela Kolářová - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
Department of Neonatology,
Apolinářská 18, 128 08 Prague 2
or email address:
Evaluation criteria
  • Secondary school education - general child nurse,
  • inclusion in the field of Intensive Care in Pediatrics (or submitted application to NCONZO, MZČR),
  • interest in the field,
  • active approach to work, responsibility, moral and civic integrity and a friendly approach to patients.
Medical laboratory technician-clinical biochemistry
Number of residential places 2
Tender date 8. 6. 2022 at 10:00
Place of the tender Department of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics VFN and 1. LF UK,
U Nemocnice 499/2, Prague 2
ÚLBLD seminar room, building A7, ground floor
Application deadline 7. 6. 2022
Applications should be sent to Mgr. Veronika Hauerová - Department of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics, General Hospital and 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University,
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
or to the email address:
Evaluation criteria
  • Classification in the field of "Medical Laboratory Technician - Clinical Biochemistry",
  • experience in the field of clinical biochemistry at least 2 years,
  • ability to perform the medical profession without professional supervision.
Intensive care
Number of residential places 10
Tender date 10. 6. 2022 at 13:00
Place of the tender Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
U Nemocnice 499/2, Prague 2
Seminar room, building A6 / S1
Application deadline 8. 6. 2022
Applications should be sent to PhDr. Ondřej Ulrych - Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine, General Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University,
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2
or email address:
Evaluation criteria
  • Classification in the field of "Intensive Care",
  • practice in anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive medicine for at least 1 year
  • the ability to practice a medical profession without professional supervision
  • sending all documents according to Decree No. 186/2009 Coll.
  • civic integrity.
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