16. 5. 2022

Open House Prague

The festival of urban architecture, the Open House Prague festival, will take place on the weekend of 21-22. May 2022. The eighth year of the festival will make 101 buildings and spaces throughout the capital available to the public free of charge over the weekend.

Our hospitals will also take part!

It has the shape of a pyramid, ceramic tiles and at first glance attracts with a high chimney. The central boiler room of the General Hospital in Wenzigova Street in Karlov is a technical building by the well-known architect Karel Prager and will be open as part of the Open House festival. Free entry!

The Open House Prague program offers a total of 26 novelties, which are joining the festival for the very first time. People can visit architecturally interesting and often not commonly accessible buildings in remote parts of Prague such as Zbraslav, Modřany or Komořany. The recently completed Prague 12 City Hall, the premises of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute in Komořany Castle and its surroundings, or the newly renovated Klubovna Zbraslav community center on the site of a former laundry by architects from the Projektil studio will be on display.

More on www.openhousepraha.cz.

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