Allergies can also be affected by overweight!

More than a third of people in the Czech Republic suffer from some form of allergy. These are most often pollen, mites and dust. But there are also allergies associated with climate change. Some allergens change the time of their onset and the course of treatment is significantly affected by body weight. Pollen season is currently in full swing. The birch flowering season peaks and in May the strongest allergen - grasses - will start. According to doctors from the General University Hospital in Prague, the occurrence of new types of allergies in connection with the wearing of veils and respirators has not been confirmed.
This spring differs from the previous two in that we can breathe freely. People are much more often involved in sports, walking, gardening and cottage building. This brings significant contact with pollen. "April is the strongest birch, because its pollen has a long range, ie impact. It will be followed by grasses from mid-May. " calculated by MUDr. Mgr. Jitka Petanová, CSc., From the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology of the General Hospital and the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University, and supplies: "This is the strongest allergen in our population ever, because the flowering time of grasses lasts until the end of July. In recent years, we have recently encountered reactions to elderflower, and surprisingly, in the spring and summer months, molds are added, which were characterized by a dry autumn season, damp and rotting fallen leaves. " Fortunately, new types of allergies have not been confirmed in connection with the wearing of veils and respirators, but global warming and climate change are also changing the behavior of plants that occur in our latitudes. "The number of released pollen grains that cause allergic reactions is increasing," points out MUDr. Petanová and continues: "The properties of the allergens themselves - specific proteins that cause allergic manifestations in patients - are also changing."
For more information, see press release.