VFN reports critical blood deficiency!

Resumption of planned care operations is one of the reasons why blood supplies are currently declining. Donors of blood groups 0+ and A + are mainly missing.
However, all regular donors and first-time donors are welcomed in the Faculty Transfusion Department of the General Hospital. Blood donation is not prevented by Covid-19 or coronavirus vaccination. There are several reasons for the current shortage of transfusion products. "Above all, we feel negatively the inability to make full use of our mobile collection team, which travels to collect blood directly from large companies to donors," describes MUDr. Lucie Langmeierová from FTO VFN Prague explains the current situation and explains: "Due to the continuing home-office regime in many companies, it is not possible to make full use of this method of blood donation. So we ask donors who were used to going to their workplace to come and donate blood to our collection centers in Zbraslav or Charles Square. "
Different composition of transfusion products
Another reason for the current shortage of transfusion products is the fact that even during the limitations of planned and deferred care, patients who were in dire need of transfusion products were hospitalized or treated on an outpatient basis. Many of them have long-term and repeated symptoms, such as hematology or cancer patients. Thus, transfusion products were used continuously, even during the culmination of the epidemiological situation. "However, the composition of transfusion products was slightly different than in normal situations, we introduced and increased the collection of so-called convalescent plasma, ie plasma containing antibodies after coronavirus infection. Many thanks to donors who came even during the difficult epidemiological situation, " emphasizes MUDr. Langmeier.
Read more in press release.