14. 4. 2020

VFN is the administrator of the experimental drug for COVID-19

The General Teaching Hospital entered a treatment program with the Japanese drug favipiravir following negotiations with the Ministry of Health and the State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL). The drug has been successfully tested in Wuhan, China, and has proven itself in the early stages of COVID-19. In the Czech Republic, doctors give it for the first time to patients with moderate course of the disease in VFN. Delivery is expected by VFN this week. Currently, indication criteria for patients who might benefit from the drug are being prepared and recalled. VFN will accept the delivery and will distribute it to the needy. It is not only a medicine for our hospital, but for patients from all over the Czech Republic.

A novelty will also be blood plasma treatment. It is only in its infancy and is being coordinated with the Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Health. According to doctors, this option opens as a rescue aid especially for patients with cardiorespiratory and respiratory failure.

VFN was chosen as the administrator of experimental treatment because it has experience in the distribution of rare sera throughout the country. Thanks to its Toxicology Information Center (TIS), it can logistically handle, store and distribute sera, antisera and rare substances in life-threatening conditions. The distribution of medicines to other hospitals will be based on precisely defined legal contracts and conditions of the supplier. The priority will be the right medicine for the right patient throughout the Czech Republic

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