Department for Science, Research and Education
Workplace characteristics
Scientific activities in the field of applied medical research and cooperation in the field of basic biomedical research belong to the main activities of the VFN.
Research activities are focused on significant and frequent diseases with a high impact on the health of the population. These include cardiovascular and metabolic diseases (eg heart muscle regeneration during infarction, research in the field of diabetes mellitus), oncological research (eg molecular basis of tumor formation, pharmacogenomics), neuroscience research (eg neurodegenerative diseases), research in mother and child care (neonatology and perinatology), comprehensive research on hereditary metabolic diseases.
Education in the General Teaching Hospital in Prague, in accordance with the organizational rules, depends on the capacity of personnel and spatial provision of this activity in relation to the implementation of educational events given by the founder (Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic) and the relevant legal provisions - Act No. 95/2004 Coll. Acquisition and Recognition of Professional Competence and Specialized Competence; and Act No. 96/2004 Coll., on Conditions for Obtaining and Recognizing Qualification for the Performance of Non-Medical Health Professions. A prerequisite for a high level of health care is a systematic increase in professional knowledge both in the development of medicine and in nursing care. Healthcare professionals of different categories (doctors, pharmacists, non-medical students and other non-medical professionals) carry out activities in the fields for which they have been qualified to carry out the occupation according to the prescribed contents.
Contact information
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2, A5 headquarters building
+420 224 962 666 | +420 224 962 522