European grants

Tobacco cessation within TB programs: A 'real world' solution for TB and Tobacco

Code: 680995 - TB and Tobacco - H2020-HCO-2014-2015 / H2020-HCO-2015
Status: Finished

Tobacco cessation within TB programs: A real world solution for TB and Tobacco

Project start date: 1. 11. 2015
Project completion date: 31. 10. 2019
Project budget: cEUR 2 999 828,75, of which EUR 120 141 for VFN
Project guarantor (workplace): III. Internal Clinic
Project Registration Number: 680995 - TB and Tobacco - H2020-HCO-2014-2015 / H2020-HCO-2015

Project brief:

The project is supported by the EU Horizon 2020 program. MUDr. Eva Kralikova, CSc. from the Tobacco Addiction Center III. Department of Internal Medicine, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General Teaching Hospital. The project coordinator is the University of York, UK. A total of 9 organizations from six countries (Great Britain, Germany, Czech Republic, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal) participate in the project.

Tobacco dependence is a chronic, relapsing disease. About 5% of smokers will stop smoking without help, eg intensive treatment eg at the Tobacco Dependent Center III. Internal Clinic of the First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital is more effective - over 30% of annual abstinence. Treatment consists of intervention (change of daily stereotypes, risk management) and pharmacotherapy. Thus, despite intensive intervention and pharmacotherapy (nicotine replacement therapy, varenicline, bupropion), new treatment options still need to be sought.

Tuberculosis is a common disease of the socially weak and, moreover, its occurrence (immunity) and course significantly affect smoking (morbidity and mortality). In low- and middle-income countries, including Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan, tuberculosis and tobacco dependence are widespread and the treatment options for tobacco dependence, the current tobacco addiction pharmacotherapy, are virtually unavailable or too expensive.

The main objective of the project is to integrate demonstrably effective low-cost smoking cessation (intervention and pharmacotherapy) into tuberculosis care programs in Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan, based on experience in Europe, and to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of tuberculosis smokers with respect to tuberculosis).

Another aim of the project is the implementation of effective methods of treatment of tobacco dependence in the system of care for tuberculous patients in these countries and their maintenance in the long term, including the identification of possible barriers and success factors. The results will be communicated with the national tuberculosis and tobacco control programs in these countries.

Project website at University of York:

Final article on the project

This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 680995.

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