22. 9. 2022

Family and care of seriously ill children

Are you interested in the issue of caring for long-term hospitalized children? About the possibility of involving family members in the care? Take part in the professional conference Family Centered Care, which takes place on October 13, 2022 from 1 to 7 p.m. in the ARA Palace, ul. 28. října 1, Prague 1. The event is intended for doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists and other professions dedicated to this profession is organized by the Ronald McDonald House Foundation. Leading specialists from the field of clinical medicine, psychology and representatives of the non-profit sector dedicated to both treatment and other (non-)medical aspects of care for long-term hospitalized children and their family members will perform in the professional program. More information can be found in the attached program. The informal part of the conference will include discussion, networking and exchange of interdisciplinary experiences.

If you are interested, please register no later than October 5, 2022 via form.

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