I. Clinic of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Workplace characteristics
Diagnostics, differential diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases. The Center for Interstitial Pulmonary Processes is established at the clinic, focusing on patients with these diseases. The Clinic has a well-equipped Pulmonary Endoscopy Center that provides bronchological interventions not only for the entire VFN and the Intermediate Care Unit. Furthermore, there is a laboratory for lung function testing and a cytology laboratory that serves the needs of all VFN sites.
Contact information
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (pavilion A6)
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Praha 2 (Faculty Clinic)
+420 | 224 969 310 | 224 966 303 (secretariat)
+420 224 969 325 (ordering patients - ambulance)
+420 | 224 969 211 | 224 969 212 (pulmonary endoscopy)
+420 224 969 347 (cytology laboratory)
+420 | 224,969,353 | 224 969 356 (nursing office)
+420 | 224 941 500 (Secretariat) | 224 963 367 (in-bed)