Beds of early stroke rehabilitation
Workplace characteristics
Notice: From 2 October 2024, visits to the Clinic of Geriatrics and Internal Medicine are only possible with an FFP-2 respirator.
Early rehabilitation beds are part of the VFN stroke center and provide comprehensive and intensive rehabilitation and nursing care to adult patients as soon as possible after a stroke or other acute acquired brain injury. The prerequisite for admission to LVR is the patient's stabilized condition, including accompanying internal diseases, and rehabilitation potential, with the assumption of the effectiveness of rehabilitation requiring the patient's cooperation and his ability to tolerate the therapeutic load for at least 2-3 hours a day. The length of hospitalization at LVR is decided by the attending physician, the average length of stay is 4 weeks. After discharge, it is possible for indicated patients to continue rehabilitation on an outpatient basis at the VFN Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic.
Medical rehabilitation at LVR is provided by an experienced multidisciplinary team, which includes doctors and a wide range of therapists in the fields of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and nutrition. The team also includes a social worker. Nursing care is provided by qualified nurses and nurses with experience in treating patients with neurological, movement and cognitive deficits. The goal of team work with the patient is to use the rehabilitation potential already in the early phase of the stroke, when the most significant improvement of the patient's functional abilities, motor skills and self-sufficiency can be achieved, which would enable him to return to the home environment and to normal activities.
LVRs are functionally integrated under Clinic of geriatrics and internal medicine. At the Early Rehabilitation Bed, we preferentially accept patients from the Stroke Center of the General Faculty Hospital Prague. In case of free beds, we also accept patients from other healthcare facilities. Request for admission to LVR.
Department Visits:
- Visits are allowed from 13.00 - 18.00.
- Since LVR patients have several therapies in the afternoon, the best time to visit is 16.00 - 18.00.
Contact information
Šermířská 1921/4, 169 00 Prague 6 – Strahov
+420 225 003 111 (switchboard)