European grants
Kateřinská zahrada

Project title: Kateřinská zahrada - protected workplace and integration center at VFN in Prague
Project start date: 1. 9. 2008
Project completion date: 31. 8. 2011
Budget: CZK 9,490,000.68
Project guarantor (workplace): Technical Department of the General Teaching Hospital in Prague, Psychiatric Clinic of the General Faculty Hospital in Prague
Project brief:
The “Kateřinská zahrada” project is a continuation of the already completed “Garden” project, which was implemented in 2006-2008 under the JPD3 program. It is aimed at assisting patients in the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital in Prague with the aim of improving their position in society and in the labor market. The target group is mainly clients in outpatient care, as well as currently hospitalized patients. The activities of the project are focused on the work and social rehabilitation of patients, further on the development of the organization, including the further education of professional staff caring for patients.
The main focus of the project is the development and operation of a sheltered workshop and integration center, ie ensuring a functioning service within the system of comprehensive care for the mentally ill.
This service will include:
- supported employment for the target group
- working-mode training and work in a sheltered workshop with the aim of increasing the chances of clients in the labor market,
- supporting social contacts in the integration center, as prevention of social isolation and ensuring meaningful use of leisure time
- professional training of social skills needed in everyday life to gain confidence and corrective experience that can work in a community of people without a sense of threat.
An additional activity of the project will be the training of professional staff involved in patient care. During the implementation of the project:
- 512 clients / patients within the operation of a sheltered workshop and integration center
- 13 VFN employees within the framework of activities focused on training of professional staff.
27. 8 .2009 - conference and workshop invitation card
14. 9. 2010 - Open Day, invitation card
Methodology for sheltered workshops, integration center methodology, methodology of work rehabilitation.
This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund.