Primary Care Center
Workplace characteristics
The primary care center (hereafter CPP) provides medical preventive care and occupational medical care for registered patients. Part of the CPP's activity is also postgraduate teaching of doctors in specialized training in the field of general practical medicine for adults and teaching of medics. CPP includes four surgeries on Karlov náměstí (see section professional ambulance). As part of his focus, he cooperates with both the specialist departments of the VFN faculty polyclinic and the specialist ambulances of the VFN clinics.
Health care provided
- In the form: outpatient.
- In the field: general practice medicine.
- Type of health care: acute, necessary, planned, preventive, diagnostic, dispensary, curative, assessment and solution of social issues in cooperation with CSSA.
Contact information
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Prague 2 (Faculty polyclinic, building C1, rear staircase, 4th floor)
+420 224 966 587 (individual care department)