Dental Clinic
Workplace characteristics
VFN Dental Clinic – dental surgery DOES NOT PROVIDE dental emergency service. Provides Dental surgery emergency service ONLY – treatment of injuries, periorbital inflammation, complications after dental surgery.
NOTICE: In the departments of restorative dentistry and pediatric dentistry, the provision of conservative surgical restorations under general anesthesia is limited due to capacity reasons. Also, due to capacity reasons, the admission of new patients to the department of oral medicine (diseases of the oral mucosa) is limited.
Please note that the Department of Pediatric Dentistry does not have a certificate of expertise as a Practitioner Dentist - Pediatric Dentist. For this reason, some services are not covered by public health insurance funds.
Dental clinic - maxillofacial surgery
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
Solution of complicated teeth, facial bones, jaw joint, soft head and neck tissue, orbit and cranial base (inflammations, neoplasms, traumas, facial anomalies and deformities, implantology, reconstructive surgery, sleep apnea syndrome). Reconstruction of tissues by microsurgical technique, development of implant systems, photonic medicine (verification of new photosensitizers), biomechanics of facial system.
Department of Dental Surgery
Surgical procedures on the teeth, alveolar process of the jaws and adjacent soft tissues of the oral cavity. Verifying the effects of ozone on the healing of soft tissues and bones of the orofacial region.
Dental clinic - outpatient department
Department of Orthodontics
Diagnosis and therapy of anomalous status, number and shape of teeth, inter-jaw relationships, facial deformations. Clarification of developmental trends of facial skeleton morphology, focus on facial clefts and other developmental defects.
Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Diagnosis and therapy of diseases of teeth and other tissues of oral cavity in children, treatment of non-cooperating children under analgosedation and general anesthesia. Care of patients with congenital and acquired disorders of hard dental tissues, treatment of early childhood caries according to the principles of interceptive dentistry.
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
Dental prosthetics is a specialized field of dentistry that includes more extensive reconstructions of missing hard dental tissues, alveolar ridge or jaws. The team of the doctor and the dental technician uses prosthetic performance (tooth preparation, imprinting, optical scanning) to create a dental prosthesis (prosthesis) for the patient, which is then fixed in his mouth in a specific way. It uses various artificial materials (resin, composite plastic, metal alloys, ceramics) in order to imitate the original appearance (aesthetics) and ensure the restoration of dental functions (initial food processing and speech).
Department of Restorative Dentistry
The department provides medical and preventive activities in cooperation with the teaching of dental students and participates in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. It provides acute treatment to hospitalized patients at the General Hospital and provides dental care to VFN employees.
The department specializes in complicated root canal treatments under a microscope and subsequent treatment with modern materials using CAD-CAM technology (inlay, overlay, crown).
Department of periodontal disease treatment
The department deals with research and practice in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the dental apparatus (periodontium), such as various forms of gingivitis, various types and stages of periodontitis, exposed necks (gingival recessions, periodontal atrophy), tooth overload and more. . Research focuses on risk factors and the problem of metastatic odontogenic infection.
In the treatment of periodontal diseases, the department works closely with the fields of orthodontics, prosthetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, oral medicine and others, including selected fields of general medicine.
All physicians in the department are simultaneously involved in the undergraduate and graduate teaching process.
Oral medicine
Oral medicine is a highly specialized medical discipline dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa. In the care of doctors, patients with oral mucosal manifestations of the disease, whose medical condition requires a specific medical approach.
The field of oral medicine requires intensive interdisciplinary cooperation with other medical specializations. For personnel and capacity reasons, longer order times are expected to be examined by a specialist in the field of oral medicine.
Contact information
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (Hall A10, A11)
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Praha 2 (Faculty Clinic, Building C1, 4th and 5th floor)
Kateřinská 32, 121 08 Prague 2
+420 224 963 138 (order - surgical outpatient clinic)
+420 224 963 191 (secretariat - not for ordering)
+420 224 963 193