
Obesity Center - XXL


Within the obesitology center, it is possible to complete internships within the pre-certification preparation of diabetology and endocrinology, resp. internal medicine. The Obesity Center also provides superconsulting services for other centers in the Czech Republic.

Obesity Center III. Internal clinics provide the possibility of internships in the pre-certification preparation of diabetology and endocrinology. Internships must be arranged with the clinic secretary by e-mail: marie.mentlikova@lf1.cuni.cz.

Indicative schedule of the weekly internship

  Morning Afternoon
Monday Visit to D3 - inpatient department Rehabilitation / physical activity
Tuesday Inpatient department, bariatria Spiroergometry, physical activity
Wednesday Research laboratories, ambulances  Clinical seminar, Ambulance
Thursday Inpatient department Ambulance
Friday Inpatient department, nutritional therapist Ambulance, clinical psychologist
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