IV. internal clinic - clinic of gastroenterology and hepatology
Workplace characteristics
IV. Internal Clinic is an important medical, teaching and research facility of the General Faculty Hospital and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. The main field of the clinic is hepato-gastroenterology; the clinic also provides specialized care in the entire breadth of internal medicine, intensive medicine and clinical nutrition. The clinic includes a hyperbaric oxygen therapy department. In addition to highly specialized care, the clinic also provides care for patients who come to the VFN with common gastroenterological and internal diseases. The clinic provides consultation and advisory services and a 24-hour endoscopy service. In total, the clinic has 61 acute internal care beds and 10 intensive care beds.
The clinic is the base for undergraduate teaching of internal medicine in Czech and English for the master's fields of General Medicine, Dentistry and the bachelor's field of General Nursing. For the bachelor's degree in Nutritional Therapist and the master's degree in Nutritional Specialist, the clinic provides teaching of clinical nutrition and dietetics. In the field of postgraduate education, the clinic is an accredited workplace for internal medicine, gastroenterology and hepatology, intensive medicine, clinical nutrition, intensive metabolic care and for endoscopic and ultrasonographic examination methods. It ensures certifications in internal medicine and participates in specialized training in gastroenterology. As part of research, the clinic forms an integral part with the Hepatology Laboratory, the Lipid Laboratory, the Laboratory for Atherosclerosis Research at the ÚLBLD and the Laboratory for Mitochondrial Disorders at the KPDPM and is the clinical background for these workplaces.
The clinic has the status of a highly specialized care center for digestive endoscopy, a center for colorectal cancer screening, a center for the treatment of viral hepatitis C and is one of the largest centers in the Czech Republic dedicated to home parenteral and enteral nutrition.
Contact information
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2, (pavilion A6)
+420 224 962 506 (clinic - not for ordering)
+420 224 966 495 (Faculty Poliklinika, Karlovo nám. 32)
+420 224 923 524 (clinic)