Clinic of Urology


Contact information

  • adresa Ke Karlovu 6, 128 08 Prague 2
  • telefon +420 | +420 224 967 873 (Section A), +420 | 224 967 866 (Section B)
  • telefon +420 | 224 967 829 (ordering - file cabinet)
  • telefon +420 | +420 224 967 859 (Section D), +420 | 224 967 884
  • telefon +420 | 224 967 874 (children's amb. - ordering)
  • telefon +420 224 967 848 (Head of Secretariat)
  • telefon +420 | 224 967 018 (children's ambulance)
  • telefon +420 224 967 847 (clinic secretariat)
  • telefon +420 | 224 967 828 (acute ambulance - information)
  • fax +420 224 967 102
  • email
prof. MUDr. Viktor Soukup, Ph.D.
Head of Clinic
+420 224 967 888
MD Michal Pešl
Head of Department
+420 224 967 839
Bc. Jana Roubíčková
Head Nurse
+420 224 967 851
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