Nuclear Medicine Institute
Workplace characteristics
Nuclear Medicine provides clinical workplaces with a complete range of current diagnostic examinations in the field of nuclear medicine, including hybrid positron and single photon emission computed tomography (PET / CT and SPECT / CT), special laboratory examinations and outpatient radionuclide therapy. In addition to routine procedures, she specializes in cardiological examinations (perfusion, metabolism and inflammatory heart and / or vascular diseases), oncological (molecular diagnostics of PET / CT, positive SPECT / CT scintigraphy, sentinel node examinations, etc.) and neurological (brain perfusion, receptor activity mapping). Recently, she has also focused on the development of scintigraphic diagnostics in lymphology (lymphoscintigraphy) and endocrinology (scintigraphic localization of parathyroid glands).
The clinical department of ÚNM is one of the largest workplaces for nuclear medicine in the Czech Republic. It is equipped with a modern PET / CT Discovery 690 scanner (GE Healthcare) with improved spatial resolution using "Time of Flight" and "Resolution Recovery" methods and 5 scintillation cameras, including 2 hybrid SPECT / CT systems, 1 SPECT tomographic camera and 2 planar cameras.
Current technical equipment allows
- perform quality scintigraphic diagnosis
- Introduce new investigative methods
- participate in their development.
The research is focused on clinical issues of nuclear cardiology, neurology and oncology, development of new methods of examination and evaluation of images in lymphology and endocrinology, standardization and quantification of scintigraphic findings of kidneys and urinary tract, development of new methods of functional imaging and computational image processing and optimization and quantification of SPECT tomographic imaging.
Contact information
Salmovská 3, 120 00 Praha 2 (Nuclear Medicine Institute)
U Nemocnice 5, 128 08 Prague 2, Clinical Department I. (outside VFN premises)
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2, Clinical Department II, (Hall A12)
+420 224 965 813 (Head of Office)
+420 224 969 692 (ambulance - PET / CT)
+420 224 969 693 (ambulance - other scintigraphic examinations.)
+420 224 969 694 (ambulance - lung and cardio examination)
+420 224 965 979 | +420 224 962 748