Blood transfusion department
Workplace characteristics
At the Faculty transfusion department, we donate blood and blood donors in the premises of the General University Hospital in Prague (Prague 2) and Zbraslav (Prague 5). We also regularly donate blood donors to many places in Prague and Central Bohemia. From the collected whole blood and blood components we produce in Zbraslav transfusion products not only for adult patients, but we also prepare special transfusion products, which find their use in pediatrics and in prenatal medical care.
We also process donor donations from other collection centers for transfusion products:
- HTO Regional Hospital Příbram as
- HTO of the Rokycany Hospital (Hospital of the Pilsen Region, as)
In all donor donations we process, we also perform laboratory examinations in accordance with the current Human Blood Regulation: immunohematological examination (blood type, screening of irregular anti-erythrocyte antibodies), and the presence of infectious markers of HIV, HBV, HCV and syphilis. We are proud to have been testing the presence of HIV (1 and 2), HBV and HCV by the NAT (nucleic acid testing) method among the first in the Czech Republic to test infectious markers for blood donors, thereby significantly reducing the risk of transmission transfusion infection.
If you have the time and taste, you can also see our department, browse virtual tour.
Contact information
U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Prague 2 (pavilion A12)
K Interně 640, 156 00 Prague 5 - Zbraslav
+420 224 963 112 | 224 962 757 (records - Karlovo nám.)
+420 225 374 230 (records - Zbraslav)
+420 224 962 751 (physician - Karlovo nám.)
+420 225 374 234 (doctor - Zbraslav)