Blood transfusion department
Regular FTO events
For operational reasons, our Zbraslav office is always closed during the mobile unit collections, which are shown in the table below "Planned events for 2025". If you would like to come and donate on these dates, you can of course visit our office on the premises of the General University Hospital on Karlovo náměstí. Please follow information on the operating hours of samples and restrictions for individual blood groups.
Thank you for your willingness and time to donate.
Table legend:
The rows of the table represent the days, the columns the month. Colored fields mean that on a given day / month there is a collection with a mobile unit (departure), eg: Kavčí hory, Jinočany, Jílové, etc. The table also highlights weekends and holidays when the collection does not take place.
We will inform you about other regular events that take place at our workplace in the General Teaching Hospital and are not listed in the table (eg Give Blood with Czech Radio, Spartan Blood, etc.) as well as any changes to the dates, either through our website and profile on Facebook or if you are ordered, directly by phone.