
Department of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders

Endowment funds

Švejcar's endowment fund for children Karlov

The Swiss Foundation for Children - Karlov was founded by the clinic's doctors in 1994 in honor of prof. MUDr. Josef Švejcar, DrSc., Who spent part of his professional career in Nalezinec, ie in the current Karlov Children's Complex. In 1999, the foundation was transformed into a foundation fund in accordance with new legislation. The aim of the endowment fund is to support the activities of KPDPM, increase the professional and human level of child care, improve rehabilitation, socialization, dietary opportunities and work integration of chronically ill children. The endowment fund also strives to improve conditions for children and accompanying parents as part of outpatient care and during their stay in inpatient wards. More information can be found at  https://www.nadacnifondkarlov.cz/

Seat of the Endowment Fund

To Charles 2
129 01 Prague 2

Bank account

Komerční banka as
transparent account: 21536111/0100
IČ: 60457376, DIČ: CZ 60457376

Management Board

Chairman of the Board:
MD Petr Koťátko

board members:
prof. MUDr. Tomáš Honzík, Ph.D. - Head of KPDPM
MUDr. Olga Černá
MUDr. Pavel Frühauf, CSc.
doc. MUDr. RNDr. Pavel Jesina, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jana Drábková - head nurse of KPDPM
Lenka Linková
Mgr. Bc. Simona Sedláčková
Mgr. Renata Kaplická

Auditor of the endowment fund

Ing. Ida Kupsová, MBA.

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