European grants

Further education of non-medical medical staff at VFN in Prague

Code: CZ.2.17 / 1.1.00 / 32033
Status: Finished

Project title: Further education of non-medical medical staff at VFN in Prague

Project start date: 1. 6. 2010
Project completion date: 31. 8. 2012
Budget: CZK 2,677,945.10
Project guarantor (workplace): Nursing Care Section + OVDV

Project brief:

The main objective of the project is to develop, expand and improve the system of continuing vocational education of non-medical health personnel (hereinafter referred to as NHS) at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague, thereby increasing its adaptability and qualifications while strengthening the VFN's position as a learning organization in the professional health care system.

The project was conceived with regard to the existing experience with the education of the target group, the mapping of the needs of the workplaces and the results of the questionnaire survey among the employees of the NZP series. It includes new or innovative courses focusing on management and communication skills as well as professional topics.

The project includes the following educational activities:

The project will support a total of 570 people from NZP, some of whom attend several courses. The vast majority of educational activities will be provided by internal lecturers from VFN in Prague. Educational programs will be tailor-made for individual NZP groups under the conditions of our hospital and will be updated during the implementation with regard to feedback from participants. The result of the project will be to strengthen the adaptability and qualification of NZP at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague, which will also improve the quality of care provided and improve the image of non-medical healthcare professions.

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