Evropské granty
Nephrology Partnership for Advancing Technology in Healthcare (N-PATH)

Datum zahájení projektu: 1. 11. 2020
Datum ukončení realizace projektu: 31. 10. 2023
Rozpočet projektu: celkem 2 299 091 EUR, z toho pro VFN 61 935 EUR, není požadováno povinné spolufinancování z vlastních zdrojů
Garant projektu (pracoviště): Klinika nefrologie, III. interní klinika
Registrační číslo projektu: 621385-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA
VFN se na projektu podílí jako jeden z partnerů dvanáctičlenného mezinárodního konsorcia, hlavním řešitelem je Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Tesař, DrSc. z Kliniky nefrologie. Koordinátorem projektu je Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro Bari z Itálie.
Stručný obsah projektu:
Hlavním cílem projektu je prohloubit vědomosti v oblasti nefrologie a cévních přístupů a zvýšit atraktivitu nefrologie jako oboru, neboť počet zájemců o nefrologii v evropských zemích klesá. V rámci projektu bude vytvořen inovativní a multi-disciplinární vzdělávací program orientovaný na pacienta a oblast diagnostické a intervenční nefrologie.
Jde o mezinárodní projekt, jehož dalším cílem je prohloubení mezinárodní spolupráce.
Prakticky půjde o vytvoření přednášek, workshopů a e-learningu z uvedené oblasti.
Specifické vzdělávací programy v rámci projektu zahrnují 4 oblasti: Molekulární patologie, Cévní přístupy, Ultrazvukové vyšetření a Peritoneální dialýza.
Účastníci programu budou vybráni z řad mladých lékařů před atestací či postgraduálních studentů se zájmem o nefrologii a budou pocházet ze zemí Evropské unie. Celkem bude do projektu zařazeno 40 studentů, 5 z České republiky.
Projekt je podpořen v rámci programu Evropské komise Erasmus+ – oblast Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Knowledge Alliances 2020:
English Abstract:
Chronic Kidney Disease is often accompanied by high mortality and morbidity. It also has a high socio-economic impact, while the global nephrology workforce has failed to meet the growing healthcare needs. N-PATH will develop a European Partnership between Universities and clinic centres specialized in diagnostic and interventional nephrology to (1) stimulate the appeal in nephrology among learners at European level and (2) improve the educational continuum, to develop a policy framework for the provision of high-quality services within the European health system.
The N-PATH call is now available on the following page: https://www.uniba.it/didattica/corsi-universitari-di-formazione-finalizzata/corsi-e-progetti-di-alta-formazione/2020-2021/NEPHROPATH
Foreign candidates will find a short guide for registration/enrollment and the call for applicants in the English version.
Attached you find digital flyer which linked to the call page itself.
Project Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
- ERA-EDTA European Renal Association- European (United Kingdom)
- Academisch Medisch Centrum Bij De Universiteit van Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- Vseobecna Fakultni Nemocnice v Praze (The Czech Republic)
- Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht (The Netherlands)
- Panepistimio Patron (Greece)
- Fundacio Parc Tauli (Spain)
- Eureka Srl (Italy)
- E.M.A.C. – Elettronica Medicale ed attrezzature chimicocliniche (Italy)
- Univerzitetni Klinicni Center Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Vascular Access Society (The Netherlands)
- developing innovative and multidisciplinary educational path with a patient-centered approach – focusing on diagnostic and interventional nephrology
- fostering the knowledge transfer from research to clinical practice
- strengthening the cooperation among Universities and clinical centres
N-PATH will jointly develop 4 curricula: Molecular Pathology, Vascular Access, Ultrasound and Peritoneal Dialysis.
Target group:
40 junior nephrologists (≤ 40 years old)
N-PATH is the most innovative European training course in interventional nephrology funded by European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ program coordinated by the University of Bari, in collaboration with the European Renal Association (ERA-EDTA), the Vascular Access Society, important international academic centres and two companies specialized in medical training.
N-PATH will train 40 young European nephrologists from 6 different countries who will have the opportunity to interact and benefit from this engaging and exciting two-year educational path. The students will have access not only to a dedicated digital platform, but also will have to the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned during the training course through different hands-on training throughout Europe, creating a 360-degree educational experience.
The nephrologists from all over Europe will be able to benefit from the training course since the online lessons, once the project is completed, will be released in open access.
The N-PATH project involves European associations such as ERA-EDTA and the Vascular Access Society, research centres and higher education institutions from six European countries: Amsterdam University Medical Center, Academic Hospital of Maastricht, General University Hospital of Prague, Parc Tauli University Hospital of Barcelona, University of Milan, University of Patras and University Medical Center of Ljubljana. Each of them, with specific skills in the nephrology field, will be supported by EUREKA, a company specialized in the field of academic publishing, and by EMAC, a company leader in the supply of advanced simulators for medical-surgical training, to create innovative advanced training course.
The admission is exclusive for second-year nephrology trainees; the call for admission will be published on the partners‘ websites in March 2021.